Parcourir quand l'unité d'appartenance est "Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski (ISMER)"
Bélanger, Michel, Turcotte, François, Tremblay, Réjean ORCID:, Lambert, Yvan, Litvak, Matthew Kenneth et Audet, Céline
Influence of the timing of weaning on growth and survival of juvenile winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus).
Canadian Journal of Zoology, 96
pp. 1291-1298.
Deschamps, Charles-Edouard, Montero-Serrano, Jean-Carlos ORCID: et St-Onge, Guillaume
Sediment Provenance Changes in the Western Arctic Ocean in Response to Ice Rafting, Sea Level, and Oceanic Circulation Variations Since the Last Deglaciation.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 19
pp. 2147-2165.
Deschamps, Charles-Edouard, St-Onge, Guillaume ORCID:, Montero-Serrano, Jean-Carlos
ORCID: et Polyak, Leonid
Chronostratigraphy and spatial distribution of magnetic sediments in the Chukchi and Beaufort seas since the last deglaciation.
Boreas, 47
pp. 544-564.
Desiage, Pierre-Arnaud, Montero-Serrano, Jean-Carlos ORCID:, St-Onge, Guillaume
ORCID:, Crespi-Abril, Augusto César, Giarratano, Erica, Gil, Mónica Noemí et Haller, Miguel J.
Quantifying Sources and Transport Pathways of Surface Sediments in the Gulf of San Jorge, Central Patagonia (Argentina).
Oceanography, 31
pp. 92-103.
Doiron, Kim, Beaulieu, Lucie, St-Louis, Richard et Lemarchand, Karine (2018). Reduction of bacterial biofilm formation using marine natural antimicrobial peptides. Colloids and surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 167 . pp. 524-530.
Fantasia, Alicia, Föllmi, Karl B., Adatte, Thierry, Spangenberg, Jorge E. et Montero-Serrano, Jean-Carlos ORCID:
The Early Toarcian oceanic anoxic event: Paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic change across the Alpine Tethys (Switzerland).
Global and Planetary Change, 162
pp. 53-68.
Faye, Simon, Rochon, André et St-Onge, Guillaume ORCID:
Distribution of Modern Dinoflagellate Cyst Assemblages in Surface Sediments of San Jorge Gulf (Patagonia, Argentina).
Oceanography, 31
pp. 122-131.
Gaillard, Mélanie, Pavey, Scott A., Bernatchez, Louis et Audet, Céline ORCID:
River‐Specific Gene Expression Patterns Associated with Habitat Selection for Key Hormone‐Coding Genes in Glass Eel‐Stage American Eels.
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 147
pp. 855-868.
Georgiadis, Eleanor, Giraudeau, Jacques, Martinez, Philippe, Lajeunesse, Patrick, St-Onge, Guillaume ORCID:, Schmidt, Sabine et Massé, Guillaume
Deglacial to postglacial history of Nares Strait, Northwest Greenland: a marine perspective from Kane Basin.
Climate of the Past, 14
pp. 1991-2010.
Gourtay, Clémence, Chabot, Denis, Audet, Céline ORCID:, Le Delliou, Hervé, Quazuguel, Patrick, Claireaux, Guy et Zambonino-Infante, José-Luis
Will global warming affect the functional need for essential fatty acids in juvenile sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)? A first overview of the consequences of lower availability of nutritional fatty acids on growth performance.
Marine Biology, 165
p. 143.
Latorre, Maité Pilmayquen, Schloss, Irene R., Almandoz, Gastón O., Lemarchand, Karine, Flores Melo, Elizabeth Ximena, Massé-Beaulne, Valérie et Ferreyra, Gustavo A. (2018). Mixing Processes at the Pycnocline and Vertical Nitrate Supply: Consequences for the Microbial Food Web in San Jorge Gulf, Argentina. Oceanography, 31 (4). pp. 50-59.
Latour, Jordan, Bernier, Sarah-Béatrice, Doiron, Kim, Tremblay, Réjean et Lemarchand, Karine (2018). Controlling mass mortality events with probiotics during the blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) larvae rearing process: what role is played by the larval microbiota? [Affiche]
Latour, Jordan, Bernier, Sarah-Béatrice, Doiron, Kim, Tremblay, Réjean et Lemarchand, Karine (2018). Microbiota modification of Mytilus edulis larvae in response to the use of a new probiotic, the marennine, in aquaculture. [Affiche]
Latour, Jordan, Bernier, Sarah-Béatrice, Doiron, Kim, Tremblay, Réjean et Lemarchand, Karine (2018). Protective effect of marennine as probiotic against pathogen-challenge of Mytilus edulis larvae in aquaculture: role of the larvae microbiota. [Affiche]
Legagneux, Pierre, Casajus, Nicolas, Cazelles, Kévin, Chevallier, Clément, Chevrinais, Marion, Guéry, Loreleï, Jacquet, Claire, Jaffré, Mikael, Naud, Marie-José, Noisette, Fanny ORCID:, Ropars, Pascale, Vissault, Steve, Archambault, Philippe, Bêty, Joel
ORCID:, Berteaux, Dominique
ORCID: et Gravel, Dominique
Our House Is Burning: Discrepancy in Climate Change vs. Biodiversity Coverage in the Media as Compared to Scientific Literature.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 5
Noisette, Fanny ORCID: et Hurd, Catriona
Abiotic and biotic interactions in the diffusive boundary layer of kelp blades create a potential refuge from ocean acidification.
Functional Ecology, 32
pp. 1329-1342.
Nzekwe, Obinna P., Francus, Pierre, St-Onge, Guillaume ORCID:, Lajeunesse, Patrick, Fortin, David, Gagnon-Poiré, Antoine, Philippe, Édouard G. H. et Normandeau, Alexandre
Recent sedimentation in three adjacent fjord-lakes on the Québec North Shore (eastern Canada): facies analysis, laminae preservation, and potential for varve formation.
Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 55
pp. 138-153.
Penkrot, Michelle L., Jaeger, John M., Cowan, Ellen A., St-Onge, Guillaume ORCID: et LeVay, Leah
Multivariate modeling of glacimarine lithostratigraphy combining scanning XRF, multisensory core properties, and CT imagery: IODP Site U1419.
Geosphere, 14
pp. 1935-1960.
Philippe, Édouard G. H., Valet, Jean-Pierre, St-Onge, Guillaume ORCID: et Thevarasan, Anojh
Are Paleomagnetic Records From U‐Channels Appropriate for Studies of Reversals and Excursions?
Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 19
pp. 4130-4142.
Provencher, Tamara, Olivier, Frédéric, Tremblay, Réjean ORCID: et Audet, Céline
Effect of sediment, salinity, and velocity on the behavior of juvenile winter flounder (Pseudopleuronectes americanus).
Environmental Biology of Fishes, 101
pp. 1483-1492.
St-Onge, Guillaume ORCID: et Ferreyra, Gustavo A.
Introduction to the Special Issue on the Gulf of San Jorge (Patagonia, Argentina).
Oceanography, 31
pp. 14-15.
Truchon, Marie-Hélène, Measures, Lena, Brêthes, Jean-Claude, Albert, Élaine et Michaud, Robert (2018). Influence of anthropogenic activities on marine mammal strandings in the estuary and northwestern Gulf of St. Lawrence, Quebec, Canada, 1994–2008. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 18 . pp. 11-21.