Documents quand l'auteur/autrice est "Harvey, Michel"
Nombre de documents archivés : 2.
Truchon, Marie-Hélène, Measures, Lena, L'Hérault, Vincent, Brêthes, Jean-Claude, Galbraith, Peter S., Harvey, Michel, Lessard, Sylvie, Starr, Michel et Lecomte, Nicolas (2013). Marine Mammal Strandings and Environmental Changes: A 15-Year Study in the St. Lawrence Ecosystem. PLoS ONE, 8 (3). e59311.
Marion, Alexandra, Harvey, Michel, Chabot, Denis et Brêthes, Jean-Claude (2008). Feeding ecology and predation impact of the recently established amphipod, Themisto libellula, in the St. Lawrence marine system, Canada. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 373 . pp. 53-70.